Looking for Fallout Shelter cheat codes?
Get unlimited caps, quantum cola, Mr. Handys and lunch boxes for your vault.
Download Fallout Shelter Hack
Get unlimited caps, quantum cola, Mr. Handys and lunch boxes for your vault.
Fallout Shelter emojis and stickers released free for iOS 10
These emojis will actually appear within texts and can be sent to friends. Some of the stickers are animated allowing you to express more emotions using your favourite characters from the Fallout series (vaultboy, animals, ghouls and goblins).
Have a look at the full list of stickers, which includes:
- Fallout Shelter logos
- Main vaultboy reactions
- Special characters like the mysterious figure, nukaworld's Cappy & Bottle and old Tom Longfellow
Fallout Shelter emojis and stickers released free for iOS 10
Reviewed by Expert
Sunday, October 02, 2016
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